ノルウェー「What Dwells Inside(内に棲むもの)」展(8/30~10/6)にて、 「花と屍 剝落」を展示
ノルウェー・アートカウンシル、ベルゲン市の後援、Ikkan Art Galleryとグラストレス・ベニス・プロジェクトの協賛で、S12 Gallery and Open Access Studio(ノルウェー)が企画展「What Dwells Inside(内に棲むもの)」展を開催。参加アーティストは、森村泰昌、栗山斉、チームラボ。チームラボはデジタルアート作品「花と屍 剝落/ Flower and Corpse Glitch」を展示します。展覧会のキュレーターは、ビョーン・フォレヴァーグ氏とベルグリオット・ヨンスドティール氏。会期は、2013年8月30日(金)~10月6日(日)まで。
≪花と屍 剝落/ Flower and Corpse Glitch≫
チームラボ, 2012, アニメーション, 19min 25sec (9:16)
展覧会名:What Dwells Inside
ギャラリー名:S12 Gallery and Open Access Studio
開館時間:12時〜17時 水曜日〜日曜日
住所:Skostredet 12 / Sparebankgaten 4, 5017 Bergen, Norwa
料金 :無料
■What Dwells Inside(内に棲むもの)とは
「What Dwells Inside(内に棲むもの)」展は、ノルウェーの非営利ギャラリーS12 がアジアのアートに造詣が深いキュレーター、ビョーン・フォレヴァーグ氏と組んだ初めてのプロジェクトで、異なる表現手法で制作している日本人アーティスト(森村泰昌、栗山斉、チームラボ)を紹介する企画展。スクリーンやガラス管という素材を利用していることから、世界各地からガラスを多様に活用するアーティストを紹介してきているS12 の活動を延長する企画である。
teamLab will exhibit a digital art work "Flower and Corpse Glitch" at "What Dwells Inside", August 30th to October 6th, Norway
The S12 Gallery and Open Access Studio in Norway will present the exhibition "What Dwells Inside", with support from the Norwegian Arts Council and the City of Bergen. It is in cooperation with Ikkan Art Gallery, Glasstress and Venice Projects. Participating artists are Yasumasa Morimura, Hitoshi Kuriyama, and teamLab. teamLab will exhibit their digital art work "Flower and Corpse Glitch". The exhibition is curated by Bjorn Follevaag and Bergljot Jonsdottir, and will take place from August 30th to October 6th, 2013.
≪Flower and Corpse Glitch≫
An animation work based on the concept of “Ultra-Subjective Space”. The concept explores how Japanese ancestors recognized and understood space and how they perceived the world. In the animation a virtual 3 dimensional world is created and then flattened inline with the logic of how we believe Japanese may have once comprehended space. The work based on the themes of nature, the clash of civilizations, cycles and symbiosis. The surface of the animation flakes away and reveals the underlying structure, the complex technology that forms the background to the work.teamLab, 2012, Animation, 19min 25sec (9:16)
※Ultra Subjective Space
What Dwells Inside
Place:S12 Gallery and Open Access Studio
Opening: August 30th at 19:00
Opening hours :12:00 – 17:00 Wednesday - Sunday
Address:Skostredet 12 / Sparebankgaten 4, 5017 Bergen, Norway
Admission :Free
Artists:Yasumasa Morimura、Hitoshi Kuriyama、teamLab
What Dwells Inside
“What Dwells Inside” is the first cooperative project between S12 and curator Bjørn Inge Follevaag, who has a long history with Asian art, presenting three artists from Japan working on different artistic expressions: Yasumasa Morimura, Hitoshi Kuriyama, and teamLab. The common denominator is glass – on screen or through glass tubes. As such they are a natural expansion of the gallery’s profile as venue for experimental work profiling artists from all over the world who utilize glass in its many and diverse forms.