
大阪『堂島リバービエンナーレ2013- Little Water』(7/20~8/18)にて、高さ10mの新作デジタルアート作品「憑依する滝 / Universe of Water Particles」を発表

堂島リバーフォーラム(大阪)にて、『堂島リバービエンナーレ2013- Little Water』展が開催されます。台湾在住のアートコレクターで、森美術館の国際委員も担当するルディ・ツェンがアーティスティックディレクターを務め、アジア諸国や欧米の全28作家を招聘。チームラボは高さ10m、解像度5Kの新作デジタルアート作品「憑依する滝 / Universe of Water Particles」を展示します。期間は2013年7月20日(土)~8月18日(日)まで。



≪憑依する滝 / Universe of Water Particles≫















展覧会名:堂島リバービエンナーレ2013 - Little Water
開館時間: 11:00~19:00 ※入館は18:30まで 
料金 : 一般1.000円、高校・大学生700円、小学・中学生500円(前売券は100円引)
前売券販売 : チケットぴあ 電話予約 0570-02-9999 (Pコード765-734)

ダグ・エイケン(アメリカ合衆国)、藤本由紀夫(日本)、ガデ(チベット)、N.S ハーシャ(インド)、畠山直哉(日本)、石田尚志(日本)、金氏徹平(日本)、ウィリアム・ケントリッジ (南アフリカ共和国)、ヴォルフガング・ライプ(ドイツ)、リー・ミンウェイ(李明維 台湾)、チャールズ・リム(シンガポール)、アデティヤ・ノヴァリ(インドネシア)、パク・シュウン・チュエン(中国)、ソピアップ・ピッチ(カンボジア)、アラヤ・ラートチャムルンスック(タイ)、篠田太郎(日本)、杉本博司(日本)、高嶺格(日本)、チームラボ(日本)、デン・チャオミン(台湾)、ツァイ・チャーウェイ(台湾)、スーメイ・ツェ(ルクセンブルグ)、ワン・ユーピン(中国)、メグ・ウェブスター(アメリカ合衆国)、ローレンス・ウェイナー(アメリカ合衆国)、アンドロ・ウェクア(グルジア)、八木良太(日本)、ユェン・グァンミン(台湾)

■堂島リバービエンナーレ2013「Little Water」とは
堂島リバーフォーラムは大阪の中心を流れる堂島川のほとりに位置しており、堂島川はこの地の景観や人々の日常の暮らしに大きな役割を果たしています。歴史的に見てアジアの豊かな文明と文化は川沿いから生まれ、そこから農耕、経済、 詩歌、文学が誕生しました。

teamLab will exhibit a new 10m digital art work at the Dojima River Biennale 2013 - Little Water, July 20th to August 18th, Osaka

Dojima River Biennale 2013 - Little Water will be held at the Dojima River Forum, Osaka. Artistic Director Rudy Tseng (an art collector based in Taiwan and member of Tate Modern Asia-Pacific Acquisitions Committee) has invited 28 artists from Asian countries and Western countries to participate. teamLab will exhibit "Universe of Water Particles", a new 10m, 5K resolution digital art work. The exhibition will be held July 20th to August 18th, 2013.


≪Universe of Water Particles≫

Universe of Water Particles is a waterfall created in a virtual computer environment. Firstly, to create the waterfall a rock environment was sculpted in computer space and water was poured into it. The water consists of hundreds of thousand of water particles that continuously flow. The computer calculates the interaction of the particles to produce a waterfall simulation that correctly flows in relation to physical laws. Then 0.1% of the water particles were selected and lines drawn in the relation to them. Behind the lines exist thousands of water particles and the curve of the lines drawn depends on their overall interaction. The lines drawn in 3D space are made into a video art work through what we consider to be the logic structure of spatial recognition of our Japanese Ancestors.
This art work is 5times the resolution of FHD (Full high Definition). The high resolution allows for the extreme detail of the work.

Water in Japanese art, is often expressed as a series of energetic curved lines that make up a mass of water. Why did Japanese artists choose to express water in this way? Can it tell us something about how Japanese saw and experienced the world?
In ancient times Japanese people were closer to nature, there was no conflict between nature and culture. However, today the influence of scientific knowledge has caused the Japanese to look at the world more objectively, from a point of view of proven physical laws. Nature has become something to be observed and less something to be a part of. It is also possible that the way ancient Japanese saw the world has influenced Japanese culture. Is there something that can be learned by rediscovering the ways Japanese perceived the world in ancient times?

The basic concept for this art work was to construct a waterfall in a computer generated environment using water particles that obey physical laws and properties, but to see if it was possible to create a more intimate, alluring feeling through the use of lines drawn over the path of the particles; a method echoing the style of past masters. In order to do this millions of water particles were generated in a computer three dimensional space and the lines were drawn along and in accordance with the flow of the water particles. The process and result we hoped would help us discover something about how people of ancient times saw the world and experienced it.

The term narikiri is used to expresses the idea of entering into an artwork, or feeling that you are a part of it. When a person observes this waterfall perhaps they will feel drawn into the universe of small water particles and the flowing lines. It is possible that they will experience what it was like for ancient Japanese to feel that they are a part of nature with no boundary between them and the natural world. Perspective means that a person viewing the world is completely cut off from it. There is a distinct line created and the person viewing does not exist in that space. Today the world is overflowing with perspective photography and video footage so that people feel cut off from the world they are looking at. It is our hope that through the approach we have taken to create this waterfall we will be able to somehow reach back into the past and regain some of the connection with nature that our ancestors felt. It might also help us to rediscover something about the way we look and interact with the world that we have lost.

■ Overview
Dojima River Biennale 2013 - Little Water
Period:2013/7/20(Sat)~8/18(Sun)※Open every day during the Biennale.
Opening hours : 11:00am - 7:00pm (Last entry 6:30pm)
Place:Dojima River Forum
Adress: 1-1-17 Fukushima, Fukushima-ku, Osaka, Japan
Admission : \1,000/ \700(university, high school students)/ \500 (junior high, elementary students)
Advance purchase discount: ¥100 discount from these prices
Advance sales: Ticket PIA (P-code: 765-734; Telephone bookings: 0570-02-9999)

Doug Aitken/Yukio Fujimoto/Gade/N.S Harsha/Naoya Hatakeyama/Takashi Ishida/Teppei Kaneuji/William Kentridge/Wolfgang Laib/Mingwei Lee/Charles Lim/Aditya Novali/Sheung Chuen Pak/Sopheap Pich/Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook/Taro Shinoda/Hiroshi Sugimoto/Tadasu Takamine/teamLab/Chao-Ming Teng/Charwei Tsai/Su-Mei Tse /Yuping Wang/Meg Webster/Lawrence Weiner/Andro Wekua/Lyota Yagi/Goang-Ming Yuan

■ About Dojima River Biennale 2013 - Little Water
The Dojima River Forum is set on the beautiful riverbanks of Dojima River, in the heart of traditional Osaka. At Dojima River, water plays an important part to the scene and the everyday life of the people there. Historically, rich cultures and civilizations in Asia arose along river valleys, where the development of agriculture, economy and the arts, poetry and literature were inspired by the beauty of flowing water and its significance in many different aspects. Mr. Tseng reinvestigates the traditional meaning of the water and explores its role in many different aspects of agriculture, ecology, literature and human sensibility.
Tseng invites works which embrace the complexity and diversity of this most basic element of nature and its poetic beauty whilst acknowledging the unique value of it.





