日本人初!teamLabBodyが Unity Awards 2013のBest VizSim Projectを受賞
3D人体解剖アプリ「teamLabBody」がUnity Awards 2013のBest VizSim Projectを受賞しました。日本人として、初の受賞となります。
最優秀ビジュアルシミュレーション部門(Best VizSim Project)
Unity を使ってありとあらゆるプロジェクトが行われています。現実世界を対象とする、ビジュアライゼーションおよびシミュレーション向けアプリケーションのプロジェクトの中からファイナリストが選出され、その中から最も優れたプロジェクトに「Best VizSim Project」が送られます。
●teamLabBody とは
First Japanese Company to be awarded a Best of VizSim Project Unity Awards 2013!
■About Best VizSim Project
Unity projects come in all shapes and sizes; this year we’re looking for projects that have some real world grounded applications for visualization and simulation.
■about teamLabBody
World’s First to Analyze and Reproduce the 3D Movement of Living Human Joints.
The research started from 1998 after discovering that the movement of living human joints differs from what is mentioned in medical references.
Data has been taken for more than 10 years from CT and MRI images of living human to observe the arrangement and movement of every single joint and to analyze them with computer programs.
The arrangement and movement of the human skeleton can be observed from any angle and magnification.