
SOMA美術館にて、『88ソウルオリンピック開催25周年記念 力, 美はどこにあるのか?』(7/12~9/22)が開催。チームラボは「世界は、統合されつつ、分割もされ、繰り返しつつ、いつも違う」を展示

SOMA美術館全館(韓国)にて、『88ソウルオリンピック開催25周年記念 力, 美はどこにあるのか?』展を開催。夏季オリンピック開催の経験がある4カ国から計14名(チーム)のアーティストが参加。チームラボは「世界は、統合されつつ、分割もされ、繰り返しつつ、いつも違う」を展示します。会期は、7/12(金)~9/22(日)です。



伊藤若冲(1716 –1800)は、近世日本の画家の一人。江戸時代中期の京都にて活躍した絵師。若冲は、升目画などと呼ばれる、画面全体を数万もの升の形に区切って升目ごとに彩色する、特異な表現方法を残している。本作品は、「鳥獣花木図屏風」や「樹花鳥獣図屏風」をモチーフにしている。









展覧会名:88ソウルオリンピック開催25周年記念 力, 美はどこにあるのか?
開館時間: 火曜日~日曜日10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
休館日 : 月曜日(元旦、旧正月、秋夕)
住所: ソウル市松坡区方荑1洞88-2

【韓国】 ナムジュン・パイク(Nam-June Paik)、鄭鉉(Chung Hyun)、高明根(Goh Myung Geun)、金信日(Kim Shin Il)、崔台勳(Choi Tae Hoon)、徐道豪(Suh Do Ho)、姜愛蘭(Kang Ai Ran)
蔡国强(Cai Guo Qiang)、王中(Wang Zhong)、吳爲山(Wu Wei Shan)
劉栢村(Liu Po Chun)



The "88 Seoul Olympics 25th Anniversary "Power, Where Does the Beauty Lie?" exhibition will be held at all exhibition spaces in the SOMA Museum of Art (South Korea). The exhibition features 14 artists/teams from four countries: Taiwan, and three former hosts of the Summer Olympics, Japan (1964), Korea (1988), and China (2008). teamLab will be displaying "United, Fragmented, Repeated and Impermanent World". 7/12 (Fri) - 9/22 (Sun)


≪United, Fragmented, Repeated and Impermanent World≫

This art work is an interactive work where the viewer becomes a part of the work.

Ito Jakuchu (1716-1800), was an early modern Japanese artist active in Kyoto during the Edo Period. Jakuchu has left us with a unique style of painting where the surface is made up of a grid of tens of thousands of squares or "tiles" that are individually coloured. These screen paintings have the motifs of "Birds, Animals, and Flowering Plants", and "Trees, Flowers, Birds and Animals". The paintings appear like a digitally constructed image that reminds us of the method of expression of pixel art. The squares paintings were possibly inspired by the designs for Nishijin (luxury woven traditional fabrics produced in Kyoto), or perhaps they were created to be made into a fabric. Pixel art was also born from functional reasons, and as a method of expression it is still enjoyed today. Perhaps this is why Jakuchu's grid painting conveys an instinctive digital feeling.
Today the internet has become a central media, contents and the connections between people have begun to change. The relationship between the maker and the viewer or person experiencing the art are becoming ambiguous. People are less viewers of contents, but directly connected to the contents, they can add information, they can edit it, they can change it and recreate it. People are more able to participate and are becoming one with the contents.

The viewer of this art work becomes a part of a world expressed as squares, as well as the abstract squares world that was inspired by pixel art work.

The grid method of painting presents us with a unique form of colour expression. Squares are painted within squares and in one grid there is a range of colours and tones. At a time before the Impressionist and Pointillist movements, it appears that Jakuchu had an awareness of colour mixing and colour theory. This work is an imaginary 3D world in which 3D objects are placed and then 'flattened' in line with our theory of Japanese traditional spacial recognition. Additionally the work uses optical colour mixing phenomenon, whereby the colours of the objects in 3D space, are combined with the colours of the two dimensional squares, colours are created from their light constituents, and so for example a purple square is made of red and blue colours.

Seen from a distance the combinations of colours of the entire art work appear to shine brilliantly. The axis of the world appears to move slowly. If you look closely at the work however, you see that the squares are not moving, the objects are moving and the detailed patterns that are created give the impression of a world that is moving quickly.
The world of the art work is created by a combination of detailed lines, with abstract squares, and the participation of the viewer.
This interactive work uses a pixel resolution that is 8 times that of Full High Definition to expresses an overwhelming amount of visual information.

88 Seoul Olympics 25th Anniversary "Power, Where Does the Beauty Lie?"
Hours: Tuesday ~ Sunday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Last Entry at 5 p.m.)
Holidays and closings : Every Mondays, New Year's Day, Chinese New Year's Day, Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving Day)
Place:Seoul Olympic Museum of Art
Adress: 88-2, Bangi-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul

【South Korea】
Nam-June Paik、Chung Hyun、Goh Myung Geun、Kim Shin Il、Choi Tae Hoon、Suh Do Ho、Kang Ai Ran
Shinji Ohmaki、Antenna、teamLab
Cai Guo Qiang、Wang Zhong、Wu Wei Shan
Liu Po Chun

■Seoul Olympic Museum of Art
Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, along with its 95,940㎡ size of Sculpture Park filled with the world's sculpture art and landscape, is a resting place for public created to celebrate the fruits of Seoul Olympic. People can enjoy the minimal look of modern museum and appreciate the beautiful art of sculptures and sceneries while strolling on the clay out in the sculpture park. The creative spirits of artists breathing through their artwork, little squirrels running across right in front of you and the chestnut burrs fallen under the trees will give you delightful joys of being in a different world away from the everyday life. Here, you can find a pleasant culture space and a museum with art and nature where you can relax, meditate and freshen up your days.





