
チームラボ、Saatchi Gallery(ロンドン)にて 「teamLab: Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders」展を開催。 新作「Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders / 境界のない群蝶」など、3作品を展示。 2015/9/10(Thu) - 9/13(Sun)

Sep 10 - Sep 17, 2015

Saatchi Gallery

チームラボは、「teamLab: Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders」を、Saatchi Gallery(ロンドン)にて、開催します。新作「Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders / 境界のない群蝶」、「増殖する生命 Ⅱ – Dark」、「花と人、コントロールできないけれども、共に生きる – A Whole Year, Dark」の、3作品を展示します。期間は2015年9月10日(木)~ 9月13日(日)まで。

START art fair: http://startartfair.com/
Saatchi Gallery: http://www.saatchigallery.com/

teamLab: Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders


Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders / 境界のない群蝶
teamLab, 2015, Interactive Digital Work, Endless

Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders + Ever Blossoming Life Ⅱ – Dark + Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year, Dark



Ever Blossoming Life Ⅱ - A Whole Year per Hour, Dark / 増殖する生命 Ⅱ - A Whole Year per Hour, Dark
teamLab, 2015, Digital Work, endless, 4 channels



“A Whole Year per Hour, Dark”と“A Whole Year per Year, Dark”の2つのバージョンがある。

Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year / 花と人、コントロールできないけれども、共に生きる – A Whole Year, Dark
teamLab, 2014 -, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year, Dark+ Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders + Ever Blossoming Life II – Dark

花は、生まれ、成長し、つぼみをつけ、花を咲かせ、やがて、散り、枯れて、死んでいく。つまり、花は、誕生と死滅を、永遠 と繰り返し続ける。


teamLab: Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders
会期: 2015年9月10日(木)~ 9月13日(日)
会場: Saatchi Gallery(Duke of York's HQ,King's Road,London,SW3 4RY,United Kingdom
9月10日(木)~13日(日): 10:00~18:00
料金: 無料
URL: http://startartfair.com/curated-projects/team-lab

◼︎Saatchi Gallery

teamLab will exhibit “teamLab: Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders” at the Saatchi Gallery in London. The new work will be shown along with “Ever Blossoming Life Ⅱ – Dark”, “Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year, Dark”. The exhibition will be held from the 10th of September until the 13th, 2015.

START art fair: http://startartfair.com/
Saatchi Gallery: http://www.saatchigallery.com/

teamLab: Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders
The Digital Domain Releases Art from Constraints

Art has been released from its constraints by the digital domain.
Art now can break free of the frame and in so doing transcend the boundaries that separate one work from another. Artworks remain independent but expand infinitely to influence each other and to influence and be influenced by viewers, with whom they become one.

Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders
teamLab, 2015, Interactive Digital Work, Endless

Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders + Ever Blossoming Life Ⅱ – Dark + Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year, Dark

Flutter of Butterflies. The flutter of butterflies fly across and through other works eliminating the boundaries between the works. The butterflies' flight is altered by the state of the art work and the behaviour of the viewer.
The artwork is being created in real time by a computer program. The images are not pre-recorded or played back. The entire work continues to change and the same state will never be repeated again.

Ever Blossoming Life Ⅱ - A Whole Year per Hour, Dark
teamLab, 2015, Digital Work, endless, 4 channels

This artwork is being created in real time by a computer program. The images are not pre-recorded or played back.

Flowers are born, grow and blossom in profusion before the petals scatter and the flowers wither and fade away. The cycle of birth and death repeats itself, continuing for eternity.
The entire work continues to change and the same state will never be repeated again.

While the artwork is from an edition of 6 plus 2 A.P.s., each work has its own life, producing different flowers, thus making it effectively as a unique piece of work.

The artwork is created in two versions: one with “A Whole Year per Hour, Dark” and another with “A Whole Year per Year, Dark”.

Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year
teamLab, 2014 -, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year, Dark+ Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders + Ever Blossoming Life II – Dark

This installation consists of a mirrored walkway and a large open space. Over the course of one year a seasonal year of flowers are depicted.

The work is being rendered in real time, it is not a pre-recorded animation or loop. The flowers spring up, grow, bud and blossom before their petals scatter and the flowers wither and fade away. The cycle of growth and decay repeats itself in perpetuity. The viewer’s behavior (making sudden movements or standing still) affects the cycle, causing the flowers to either wither and die, or spring up and blossom. The interaction between the viewer and the installation causes continuous change in the work; previous visual states can never be replicated, and will never reoccur. What you can see right now will never be repeated again in the future.

When teamLab visited the Kunisaki Peninsula in spring, many cherry trees were in blossom in the mountains, and rape was in flower in the fields. We began to wonder how many of these flowers were cultivated by people, and how many were natural. This place, which was simply overflowing with flowers, gave us great contentment. It also made us realize that this large number of flowers was an ecosystem that is subject to human intervention. The boundary between nature’s work and the work of humans was unclear. In other words, nature and humans are not antagonistic concepts, but rather, a pleasant nature is an ecosystem that also includes the work of humans. Unlike today, we could say that the work of humans over many years has been based on nature’s predetermined rules that humans were unable to understand or control, this has contributed to the creation of this pleasant nature. In pre-modern times, civilizations flourished and prospered along sea routes, nowadays our focus has moved inland, but we feel that hidden in secluded valleys of human habitation, there is still something left of the pre-modern relationship between humans and nature. We also began to wonder what kind of behavior would constitute artificial behavior toward nature, based on this premise that nature cannot be controlled, and whether these behaviors could perhaps give us a hint for the future.

Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders
Holding Period: Sep 10(Thu) – 13(Sun), 2015
Location: Saatchi Gallery(Duke of York’s HQ, King’s Road, London, SW3 4RY, United Kingdom
Holding Time:
Sep 10(Thu)~17(Thu): 10:00~18:00
Price: Free
Equipment cooperation: Canon Inc./Canon Marketing Japan Inc.
URL: http://startartfair.com/curated-projects/team-lab





