
チームラボ、人工衛星の実物大模型に高さ19mの滝をプロジェクションマッピングする 新作「憑依する滝、人工衛星の重力」を、 東京都現代美術館のアトリウムにて発表。6月7日(土)~

Jun 07 - Aug 31, 2014






憑依する滝、人工衛星の重力/ Universe of Water Particles under Satellite’s Gravity
チームラボ, 2014,デジタルインスタレーション(19000mm)

コンピュータ上の空間に人工衛星「だいち2号」(ALOS-2)を3Dで立体的に再現し、質量を持った人工衛星の重力によって引き込まれていく水をシミュレーションし、滝を描いている。そうやって描かれた滝を、実在の人工衛星「だいち2号」(ALOS-2) 実物大模型にプロジェクションマッピングした作品。




今回は、Full HD10枚分の解像度によって、超微細まで描いた映像作品として表現した。

冷たい生命/ Cold Life
チームラボ, 2014, デジタルワーク, 2160×3840 pixels, 7min 15sec(ループ), 書: 紫舟

脊振ILCハイスクール!/ Sefuri ILC High school!
チームラボ, 2013

会場:東京都現代美術館 アトリウム、他 (〒135-0022 東京都江東区三好4-1-1
開館時間:10:00〜18:00 (入場は閉館の30分前まで)
※( )内は20名様以上の団体料金
※同時開催の「ワンダフル ワールド」との共通券:一般1,600円、大学生・専門学校生/65歳以上1,300円、中高生900円、小学生以下/無料
主な参加作家(HPより):逢坂卓郎、大平貴之、木本圭子、森脇裕之、名和晃平、鈴木康広、チームラボ、ARTSAT :衛星芸術プロジェクト、oblaat(谷川俊太郎、三角みづ紀、最果タヒ、穂村弘)、松本零士、SPACE FILMS、なつのロケット団、スペースダンス・イン・ザ・チューブ、イ・ヨンジュン、ユリウス・フォン・ビスマルク ほか





teamLab will present its new work “Universe of Water Particles under Satellite’s Gravity”, projection mapping a 19-meter high waterfall onto a full-size model of a satellite, in the atrium at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo.

“mission [SPACExART]-beyond Cosmologies” will be held at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. In the atrium, teamLab will present its new work “Universe of Water Particles under Satellite’s Gravity” projection mapping a 19-meter high waterfall onto a full-size model of the Advanced Land Observing Satellite 2, or “Daichi 2” (launch scheduled for May 24th). In addition, the digital artworks “Cold Life” and “Sefuri ILC high school!” will be exhibited.
Exhibition period Sat, Jun 7 to Sun, Aug 31, 2014


mission [SPACExART]-beyond Cosmologies:http://www.mot-art-museum.jp/eng/exhibition/cosmology.html
Special site for Advanced Land Observing Satellite DAICHI-2, full scale model:http://fanfun.jaxa.jp/countdown/daichi2/index.html


Universe of Water Particles under Satellite’s Gravity
teamLab, 2014, Digital Installation (19000mm)

A 3D model of space satellite (ALOS-2) was created in a computer space. In the computer environment the satellite has a mass that creates gravity, and a waterfall is simulated that is drawn in by the satellites gravity. The simulated waterfall is then projection mapped onto a full scale model of satellite (ALOS-2).

The water is expressed as continuum of hundreds of thousand of water particles that flow in accordance with how the computer calculates the interaction of the particles. The water particles that hit the satellite bounce off and circulate around the satellite until they evaporate.

Then lines are drawn in the space in accordance to the behavior of the water particles, and it is the combination of these lines that creates the waterfall.

The waterfall of this work is created in 3D space and uses what we consider to be the logic structure of spatial recognition of our Japanese Ancestors.

This art work is 10 times High Definition in order to express the vast amount of detail of the animation.

Cold Life
teamLab, 2014, Digital Work, 2160×3840 pixels, 7min 15sec(loop), Calligraphy: Sisyu

Sefuri ILC High school!
teamLab, 2013

mission [SPACExART]-beyond Cosmologies
Date: Sat, Jun 7 - Sun, Aug 31, 2014
Hours: 10am to 6pm
*Last admission to the gallery floor & last ticket purchase is 30 minutes before the closing hour.
*Jul.18, 25, Aug.1, 8, 15, 22, 29 (Fridays) is open until 21:00
Closed on: Mondays (except 21 July), 22 July
Venue: Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT) Atrium, etc
(4-1-1 Miyoshi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan 135-0022 )
Adult: ¥1300(¥1040)/ University & College Student, Over 65 yrs old:¥1000 (¥800) / High School & Junior High School Student: ¥800 (640)/ Free for Elementary School & Under
*( ) Price for a group, over 20 people *Free entry to MOT collection ticket holders
* Visitors in elementary school and younger must be accompanied by a parent.
* Visitors carrying a physical disability certificate, intellectual or mental disability certificate, or bombing victim certificate, along with their attendants (up to two), will be admitted free of charge
* With the ticket for this exhibition, you can also see the MOT Collection.
* Combined ticket which includes concurrent Wonderful World exhibit: general visitors - ¥1,600, university and vocational students/65 and older - ¥1,300, middle school students - ¥900, elementary school students and younger - free Main participating artists (from homepage): Takuro Osaka, Takayuki Ohira, Keiko Kimoto, Hiroyuki Moriwaki, Kohei Nawa, Yasuhiro Suzuki, teamLab, ARTSAT: The Satellite Art Project, oblaat (Shuntaro Tanikawa, Mizuki Misumi, Tahi Saihate, Hiroshi Homura), Leiji Matsumoto, SPACE FILMS, Natsu no Rocket Group, Space Dance in the Tube, Yong-jun Lee, Julius von Bismarck, and more, etc

▼About mission [SPACExART]-beyond Cosmologies
The first decade of the twenty-first century has already passed and today we find ‘space’ drawing attention increasingly. Both outer space, into which research and development progresses, and artists’ expressions of inner space are rapidly expanding/converging to constitute a parallel world. Coinciding with the 2014 space boom, we will look at the field of outer space that has drawn infinitely closer to our daily lives and also the inner space created by artists as a multiverse, surpassing individual cosmologies.

In Japan, artistic experiments in this field began immediately after the Second World War and contemporary works (particle or cosmic ray works, artificial satellite art, etc.) continue to develop. For approximately ten years JAXA’s ‘pilot missions in humanities and social sciences’* have carried out numerous ambitious, pioneering activities globally. Furthermore, in recent years have seen the return of the asteroid explorer, ‘Hayabusa’, to Earth and the launch of ‘Hayabusa II’, while large-scale expositions and exhibition facilities have opened and pre-events for the Tanegashima Space Art Festival have taken place, demonstrating the extent of the social boom in the space-related field. This exhibition will present art installations; items connected with space exploration, such as parts of satellites and rockets (fairings); material connected with entertainment, such as literature, manga and anime; interactive exhibits; discussions and other events to explore the new possibilities that ‘reflect the expanding/converging world’. It will offer the opportunity to experience and consider ‘space’, not only as some different world or Utopia, but also as something that is ‘ordinary’ in a true sense.

* Space Art Project = art experiments in the Japanese ‘Kibo’ module of the International Space Station.

Special support by DMM.com Co., Ltd.

With support from: Sony Corporation, PRISM





