フランス・パリで、インテリアデザインの見本市「MAISON&OBJET PARIS」が開催。チームラボは、招聘作家として、肥前でつくられた新しい茶「EN TEA」とコラボレーションしたインタラクティブなデジタルインスタレーション作品「Espace EN TEA x teamLab x M&O: Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup」を本会場にて展示。
MAISON&OBJET PARIS: http://www.maison-objet.com/en/paris/program/installations/espace-en-tea-x-teamlab-x-mo
詳細: https://www.teamlab.art/jp/e/maisonparis17sep/
「Espace EN TEA x teamLab x M&O: Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup」は、肥前でつくられた新しい茶「EN TEA」の注がれた茶器の中に、花々が生まれ咲いていく作品です。来場者は体験としてお茶を飲むことができます。
Espace EN TEA x teamLab x M&O: Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup
teamLab, 2017, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
作品: https://www.teamlab.art/jp/ew/flowersbloom-entea/
作品映像: https://youtu.be/Qpsjm3Jx3-Q
肥前でつくられた新しい茶「EN TEA」。
EN TEAは、若き天才茶師として知られる松尾俊一と、日本の伝統文化を探り、多くの職人を束ねる丸若屋の出会いにより生まれました。
優れた食材は、土を育てることから考えられ、土から作られています。そうした食材の優れた効能や利点を知り、その全てを一つの茶葉に集約したいと願いました。それが、EN TEAです。この茶葉を、身近な大切な人々と共有したいという考えから始まり、今、多くの人々と共有したいと考えるに至りました。
EN TEAの茶葉は、土地の味、すなわち自然力を感じられることを良しとします。茶畑や製造過程に関しても、一貫して自然農法にこだわっています。最良な茶を探し求めた結果、独自の製法へと到達しました。そうして生まれた新しい茶は、自然の芳醇な味わいはもちろんのこと、茶の原点は薬(漢方)である、その魅力を思い出させてくれます。
EN TEAは、健康的な生活のための情熱と、自然を愛する文化から生まれました。
食緑茶である「EN Eating GREEN TEA」は、ティーバッグの中に粉末にした緑茶が入っており、お茶を淹れると粉末がお茶の中に混ざります。
「EN Eating GREEN TEA」を飲むことは、緑黄色野菜として「緑茶を食べること」。
詳細: http://www.en-tea.com
問い合わせ: info@en-tea.com
会期: 2017年9月8日(金)〜9月12日(火)
会場: Parc des expositions - Paris Nord Villepinte Hall 7 エントランス(CD 40 ZAC Paris Nord 2 93420 Villepinte, フランス)
時間: 9:30~19:00 ※最終日は18:00まで
料金: Online badges prices: Badges of MAISON&OBJET Paris Septembre 2017
60€ from 5th July 2017 to 7th September 2017
70€ from 8th September 2017
Supported by: Hirohito Saito,OryzaDesign
URL: http://www.maison-objet.com/en/paris
01_press release
03_teamLab Profile
プログラマ、エンジニア、CGアニメーター、絵師、数学者、建築家、ウェブデザイナー、グラフィックデザイナー、編集者など、デジタル社会の様々な分野のスペシャリストから構成されているウルトラテクノロジスト集団。アート、サイエンス、テクノロジー、クリエイティビティの境界を越えて、集団的創造をコンセプトに活動している。47万人が訪れた「チームラボ 踊る!アート展と、学ぶ!未来の遊園地」などアート展を国内外で開催。他、「ミラノ万博2015」の日本館、ロンドン「Saatchi Gallery」、パリ「Maison & Objet」、5時間以上待ちとなった「DMM.プラネッツ Art by teamLab」、シリコンバレー、ロンドンでの個展、シンガポール、韓国で巨大な常設展など。10月10日まで北京にて 個展開催中。7月14日から九州 武雄の御船山楽園にて「かみさまが住まう森のアート展」、7月28日から渋谷・ヒカリエにて、光のアートに包まれる超幻想空間での体験型音楽フェスティバル「バイトル presents チームラボジャングルと学ぶ!未来の遊園地」開催中。
チームラボ作品紹介: http://teamlab.art/jp/
チームラボInstagram: https://instagram.com/teamlab_news/
チームラボFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamLab.inc
チームラボtwitter: https://twitter.com/teamLab_news
チームラボYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/teamLabART
News Release
teamLab will exhibit a collaboration artwork with EN TEA, a new green tea made in Hizen Province, at the Interior Design Fair MAISON&OBJET PARIS, 8th of September to the 12th of October 2017
teamLab was invited to collaborate with the launch of a new green tea from Hizen Province at the Interior Design Fair MAISON&OBJET PARIS. “Espace EN TEA x teamLab x M&O: Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup” is a collaborative interactive digital installation that will be on show from the 8th of September (Friday) to the 12th of October (Tuesday).
MAISON&OBJET PARIS: http://www.maison-objet.com/en/paris/program/installations/espace-en-tea-x-teamlab-x-mo
more info: https://www.teamlab.art/e/maisonparis17sep/
Visitors to the installation, “Espace EN TEA x teamLab x M&O: Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup”, can enjoy the experience of tasting the new green tea EN TEA from Hizen Province. When the tea is poured into a teacup flowers grow and blossom inside the cup.
The artwork “Enso - Light in Dark” will also be on show in the exhibition space.
■Art Work
Espace EN TEA x teamLab x M&O: Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup
teamLab, 2017, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
Make tea and flowers bloom inside the teacup. Move the teacup or pick it up and all of the flower petals scatter and spread outside of the cup. As long as there is tea in the cup, flowers will continue to appear and bloom.
The artwork appears for the first time when there is tea in the cup; when the tea is gone, the artwork disappears with it. Tea is a transformative liquid and the amount of tea in the cup will change the size of the tea’s surface. Accordingly, it will also change the size of the flower. If tea is spilled from the cup, flowers will also bloom in the spilt liquid.
Throughout a year, each month’s seasonal flowers will bloom.
The work is rendered in real time by a computer program; it is not a prerecorded video. The artwork is influenced by the viewers, as their behavior causes continual change and transformation. This moment of the artwork can never be seen again and a previous state will never be repeated.
■About EN TEA
"EN TEA" is a new tea grown in Hizen.
EN TEA was created as a result of a collaboration between Shunichi Matsuo, a talented young tea master, and Maruwakaya, which looks into Japanese traditional culture and brings together numerous artisans.
In Japan, there is a saying: "People are born from the soil, they are the children of soil."
In growing great food products, people think about taking care of the soil first, and start by creating the soil. We got to know the amazing effects and benefits of green tea’s ingredients, and packed all of that into 1 tea leaf. That tea is EN TEA. It started with us wanting to share this tea leaf with the important people close to us, and now we want to share it with many more people.
We value the taste of the region, in other words, the power of nature, in the EN TEA tea leaf. We only use natural farming methods in our tea farm and during processing. As a result of our pursuit for the best tea, we developed our own production method. The new tea, developed in this way, has robust natural flavors, which will remind you of the fact that teas started as medicine (herbal medicine).
EN TEA was created from our passion for a healthy lifestyle and nature-loving culture.
Green tea is an amazing bright-colored vegetable. However, when green tea is steeped in a standard method, important nutrients, such as β-carotene and vitamin E, are not released into the water. In other words, the majority of the nutrients from the bright-colored vegetable get wasted.
EN Eating GREEN TEA contains powdered green tea in a tea bag, that allows the powder and the nutrients to dissolve gently into the tea as it brews.
"EN Eating GREEN TEA," is an edible green tea, that was developed to maintain the benefit of its natural nutrients, while maintaining its green tea flavors.
more info: http://www.en-tea.com
contact: info@en-tea.com
[Summary of Exhibition]
Term: 8th of September to the 12th of October 2017
Venue: Parc des expositions - Paris Nord Villepinte Hall 7 Entrance(CD 40 ZAC Paris Nord 2 93420 Villepinte, France)
Hours: 9:30~19:00 ※Last day: until 18:00
Admission Fee: Online badges prices: Badges of MAISON&OBJET Paris Septembre 2017
60€ from 5th July 2017 to 7th September 2017
70€ from 8th September 2017
Supported by: Hirohito Saito,OryzaDesign
URL: http://www.maison-objet.com/en/paris