

インテリアデザインの見本市「MAISON&OBJET PARIS」(フランス・パリ)にて、ムラーノ・ガラスのランプシェードを使った新作を展示。2016/9/2〜9/6

2016.9.02(金) - 9.06(火)

Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre

フランス・パリで、インテリアデザインの見本市「MAISON&OBJET PARIS」が開催。チームラボは、招聘作家として、ムラーノ・ガラス(ベネチアン・グラス)のランプシェードを使った新作「Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke」を、本会場(Parc des Expositions de Paris Nord Villepinte, Hall 5B VISITORS MAIN ENTRANC)にて展示します。鑑賞者がランプの近くで立ち止まると、光が強く輝き、音色を響かせ、近隣のランプに伝播していきます。期間は、2016年9月2日(金)〜9月6日(火)まで。

Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke
teamLab, 2016, Interactive Digital Installation, Murano Glass, LED, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi





・Resonating Lamps




Maison & Objet Paris
会期: 2016年9月2日(金)〜9月6日(火)
会場: Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre Hall 7(CD 40 ZAC Paris Nord 2 93420 Villepinte, フランス
時間: 9:30~19:00 ※最終日は18:00まで
休館日: なし
料金: Online badges prices: Badges of MAISON&OBJET Paris September 2016:
50 € online until July 5th, 2016
60 € online from July 6th, 2016 to September 1st, 2016
70 € online and at the show from September 2nd to 6th, 2016
Supported by: Hirohito Saito,OryzaDesign
URL: http://www.maison-objet.com/en/paris


MAISON & OBJET is one of the best known trade fairs held in Paris. Invited by the fair, teamLab will unveil its newest work “Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke” at the main hall Parc des Expositions de Paris Nord Villepinte. The installation is composed of thousands of lamps that are made of Murano glass (Venetian glass); when a viewer stands next to a lamp, it produces a strong light as well as a color tone that resonates out to the other lamps that are close by. The exhibition period starts September 2 (Wed) and ends September 6 (Tue).

See more: http://www.team-lab.net/exhibitions/maisonandobjet2016

Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke
teamLab, 2016, Interactive Digital Installation, Murano Glass, LED, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
Work: http://www.team-lab.net/works/forl-1s/

When a person remains still at close range of a lamp, it shines brightly and emits a tone color that resonates out. The light of this lamp becomes the starting point, and it spreads to the two nearest lamps. The light from the lamps transmits the same tone color to other lamps, one after another, spreading out continuously.

If a light comes from the other side of the room, it means that there is someone else standing there. Visitors become aware of the presence of other people in the same space.

All the lamps, seemingly scattered out randomly, are placed in the space to form a continuous line when the two lamps closest to each other are connected with a line. The first lamp responding to a person’s position resonates to the two lamps closest to the first light, and these two lamps then resonate to their nearby lamps, thus forming a chain reaction by passing the entire lamps in one loop until the resonating action ends at the first originating lamp. In other words, the light responding to a person is transmitted out as one line of light, passing through all lamps only once per lamp.

The planar arrangement of the lamps is staggered in zigzag to fill a space, staying in a perfectly ordered grid. This is the first constraint. The second constraint is the height and width of the room and the pathway that people walk through, thus creating a “boundary condition.” The third constraint is that all the lamps, when connected to its two closest lamps three-dimensionally, form a unicursal pattern with the same start and end points.

The placement of lights were mathematically calculated so that it satisfies these constraints/conditions. The quantification of the variability of lamps’ direction and the average angle that creates a three-dimensional route were examined multiple times in order to achieve the final placement.

The arrangement of the lamps thus created is beautiful not only in an immobilized, static kind of way, but more so in a dynamic way caused by people approaching these lamps. It demonstrates the space of new era; the space freely designed through digital technology, and adapting the change and movement made by people’s existence in it.

・Resonating Lamps
When people pass close to a lamp it shines brightly and emits a tone color that resonates out. The light of that lamp is transmitted to lamps nearby. The light tone color will again resonate out from the neighboring lamps, and the color tone will go on to resonate outwards to the next lamps.

When a light resonates from afar it signifies the presence of people. Perhaps people will become aware of the existence of other people in the same space.

The lamp shade is made by Murano glass (Venetian glass).

【Exhibition Summary】
Maison & Objet Paris
Period: September 2(Fri) - 6(Tue), 2016
Venue: Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, Hall 7 (CD 40 ZAC Paris Nord 2 93420 Villepinte)
Opening hours: 9:30~19:00 *Closes at 18:00 on the final day
Closing day: Always open
Fee: Online badges prices: Badges of MAISON&OBJET Paris September 2016:
50 Euro online until July 5th, 2016
60 Euro online from July 6th, 2016 to September 1st, 2016
70 Euro online and at the show from September 2nd to 6th, 2016
Supported by: Hirohito Saito,OryzaDesign
URL: http://www.maison-objet.com/en/paris